
How to Manage Your Time


Time management is something I spend a lot of time thinking about. I’m always looking for new ways to do things better or more efficiently. Sometimes I really struggle to get everything done that I need to. Between working full-time and blogging part-time, I also have to plan time to have friends and a life. I’m definitely the kind of person who tries to do everything myself because I refuse to accept that I couldn’t possibly do something.

So in all my time of trying to balance a million things, I’ve picked up some good tips for managing time effectively.

To Do Lists

All the to-do lists! Every night before I leave the office I write out my to-do list for the next day and then give everything a number. I write down literally every single thing I have to do the next day. Nothing makes me feel more productive than checking things off lists. And seeing everything written down makes it clear to see what your 2 minute tasks are and what will take longer.

Eat the Frog

I absolutely hate that phrase, but it’s a thing people say so here we are. The idea is to tackle your biggest or most challenging task first thing in the morning. This has really helped me hate afternoons less. Mornings are also the time of the day I’m grumpiest because lack of coffee, so it’s a great excuse to block off my time so no one will come talk to me. Introvert pro tip.

Check E-mail Three Times a Day

My life and level of productivity has gotten so much better since I cut down my e-mail activity. For years when I was working in consulting, I was married to e-mail. Like 24/7, couldn’t be without it, had two phones. I was in an unhealthy relationship with e-mail. Which contributed to massive burnout and 3 ulcers. Now I only check my e-mail three times a day; when I get in, at lunch, and before I leave for the day. The idea is that by turning off notifications you aren’t distracted, allowing you to focus on one task at a time.

Try Calendar Blocking

I manage a lot of projects at once both at my job and with the blog. I recently started using calendar blocking to try to manage how I spend my day and it has definitely help me become more productive. I set aside an amount of time to work on one task. When that time is up I take a 10 minute break and do something else, like check Instagram, get some water, walk around. I’m hugely competitive which is probably not remotely shocking, so giving myself a time limit for something makes me feel like I have to get it done in that amount of time.

Organizational Apps

If you aren’t into planners or to-do lists, you can always try some organizational apps to keep you on track. I like to use To-Doist to make lots of to-do lists electronically. Another great app is Evernote, it can sync across multiple devices and you can add users if you want to use it as a team. If you have Amazon Prime, you have free access to Amazon Drive, their free cloud storage. I store tons of photos there so I never have to waste time uploading from my phone to laptop.

Be Selfish With Your Time

I’m ruthless when it comes to my schedule. I turn down group meetings that don’t need me and I keep status update meetings to under 10 minutes. Nothing drives me crazier than wasting time in conference rooms. In turn, I’m also ruthless when it comes to time spent working on blog posts. I limit my sponsored content because I want my blog to be my voice and not one giant ad. I’ve turned down sponsored posts because the brand didn’t feel like the right fit for me or my readers. Why would I waste any free time I have writing a post on something I don’t feel passionate about.

What are some of your favorite time management tips? I’m always interested in how other people get everything done and stay sane! Share your tips in the comments!